I had such a fantastic time visiting with my parents. They are so awesome to have flown out here all the way from Texas to see us. When they are here, things just seem right, ya know?
They have a nice calming effect on my life. I don't know why. I've been married and out from underneath their roof since I was 19. This "calming effect" should have transferred over by now, dontcha think? It hasn't. I think that it might have something to do with being attached at the hip, or something of that nature.
This give me certain super happy spurts throughout the year when I do get to spend time with them. Either here in California, or at their home in Texas. To be honest, I would rather spend time with them in Texas, but I have 3 punk-a-roos now, and traveling there more than once a year is a little out of our price range if ya know what I mean, Jean.
During their most recent visit, I put a hold on blogging, of course, and spent some much needed time with them. Soaking up all their super cool vibes. We went to the park, shopping, eating out, visiting the CA Science Center and the Natural History Museum, the hubs and kiddos took my Dad to Disneyland for the first time in his life,
Yes, that's my hubby flashing the horns
and they did lots of cuddling. Them with my kids, not me with them.
Although, I have not outgrown the occasional hug attack on my Mom. She likes it, I know that she does :-) I also got some relief from la bambina numero tres. My Mom stepped in anytime that she needed to be fed, changed or put to sleep. Mom was there with open arms as if it was the last time that she was ever going to hold my baby. The best part for me, though, was seeing my Dad play with her.
He is so funny, because he has never, nor will he ever, stop making baby sounds to infants. It is the cutest and funniest thing. He has funny little nicknames for each one of his Grandpunks. Something along the lines of: Scoob, Bubbs, Booger, Snot......you get the picture.
All in all, it was an amazing visit with them. Someone I know posed the question, "Do you ever go a day without missing someone?" I would have to say no. I sure don't. I miss my Texas family every single day, and I think about them multiple times a day. I don't know why, but God found favor in me before I was even conceived, and gave me the most wonderful family. My family is full of love, acceptance, generosity, and is drama-less. When I hear others talk about how messed up their families are, I can't help but thank God in that moment for the family that he has blessed me with. On that note, "Thank you, Big Guy, for my family and the love that You surround me with when I am in their presence."