Whelp, we are back in TEXAS! Long story short, our prayers have been answered.
My hubby and I lived in southern California for 7 1/2 years and we've been praying about getting back to Austin for about 5 of those 7 1/2 years.
In a nut shell, my hubby and I always want to be in God's will. That is our most earnest prayer. These past few months has been crazy for us. We've known for over a year now that out house would have to go up for sale. The price of living there was just too much for us most of the time, and we had no choice but to either starve or get out from underneath our big ol mortgage. Guess what we chose? We opened escrow on our house in August. At that moment we started praying about where we would go next. Excited to see what God had in store for us. After much prayer and council, we decided that now was as good of a time as any for moving back to Austin and starting over. We prayed some more asking God for specifics, and He answered our prayers within days of our request. I've never been so certain. We aren't getting any younger, which means that we needed to do this now. We never pictured growing old in California. Austin is our home! I want to be an old lady here, riding around downtown on my scooter, complaining about the humidity. My kids are happier here. They are surrounded by family that utterly adores them. Although, they do miss their cousins in California. Which means that we will have to visit at least once a year if it's possible.
Living in CA has had it's wonderful moments, so it hasn't been all bad. We've made some great friends and God has grown us so much in our maturity and in our marriage. Having access to Disneyland whenever we felt like it will never be forgotten. Season passes, baby! Both of my girls were born in CA, so it will always hold a special place in my heart simply because of that. I will miss California. I will miss having only a 60 minute commute to the mountains or the beach. I will miss my sister-in-laws. I will miss the dear friends that I was getting to know in the months right before we moved. That is my only regret. Not growing closer to the sweet friends that I had made while living there. I've met some amazing women, but I neglected to nurture those relationships because I was so consumed with my family. Was it too little, too late? I'll never know.
Since being here, we've started back with homeschool and we've begun to "church shop". Finding the right church is always interesting, because they are all so different. My hubby has also been tirelessly searching for work. Austin has a huge music scene, so you'd think that finding a sound engineering job here would be easy. Wrong! It's all about who you know. So he's trying to get his foot in the door. God has something great in store for him, I just know it. Why else would He have brought us back here? His will is so perfect. I can't wait to see what's going to happen. I pray for perserverance for my husband. For strength when things get hard and when Satan is trying to trip him up. I love Joe so much and he deserves to be happy, and appreciated for the gifts that God has blessed him with.
I am so happy to be back here. "Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayers! Thank you for teaching me patience on Your perfecting timing. I've been praying for years, and You finally answered me. Thank you!"
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Pitty Goo
Here's my baby, Lily.
She's my pretty girl, or as I like to say "my widdle pitty goo"
She looks like her Daddy
She does NOT look like me
I am a little sad about that.
However, despite the fact that she looks like her Daddy and NOT me, she is so stinkin pretty.
I can't say that she gets it from me because she DOES NOT look like me.
Does this mean that my hubby would have made a very pretty girl? Hmmmmm
Don't tell him that I said that!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Weddings + Las Vegas = A Pretty Cool Time
My hubby has been working so hard lately. His company does sound consulting and instillations for churches around southern California, and he works part time at our church at the Sound and Lighting Pastor. On Friday, he finally wrapped up a looong instillation and was very much looking forward to relaxing. However, when Saturday came a knocking, he drug himself out of bed to drive me to Las Vegas for a very special occasion.
My big brother was getting married!!!
Phillip is my second oldest brother yes, I am the youngest of 3 AND the only girl, and I love him so so much. He's been through a lot in his 35 years of existence, and we...his family...want him to be nothing but happy. Well, he finally met a winner. That winner's name is Annie. She's beautiful, calm, cool, collected, goes with the flow, and is not high maintenance. Most importantly she thinks the world of my big brother.
What I love most about my brother is that he has always had the best sense of humor. Sometimes it's a little "in the gutter", but hey, who doesn't have their moments of "in the gutter"? He and Annie's sense of humor is what steared them to get married at The Elvis Chapel, by...wait for it...ELVIS!
When my hubby and I arrived we went in and sat down in this teeny tiny little white room. It was a little dated, and had your typical white wedding slatted arch decorated with fake vines and flowers. Then Elvis appeared. He was so nice and came over to shake our hands. My hubby and I could not stop laughing. It wasn't a making-fun laugh, it was a so-awesome-that-it-makes-you-giggle laugh.
Phillip and Annie came in, gave us hugs, and then Phillip took his place at the alter. Elvis, then proceeded to walk Annie down the aisle while singing an Elvis tune that I've never heard before. Sorry to all of those Elvis fans out there, but I'm not hip to the Elvis tunes.
Annie had the biggest grin on her face and it made her glow. Phillip might have been crying, but it was hard to tell because he too was glowing with excitement. I, however, was crying despite all the hip shaking that the Elvis officiator was doing. The ceremony was so sweet and wonderful. I laughed, cried, and even danced. That's right, since hubby and I were in the wedding party, Elvis asked us to dance after they said 'I DO!'. It was so great. I think that I may have looked more like Elaine from Seinfeld than Michail Baryshnikov. I didn't care. We were dancing for joy! Woo hoo!
After the wedding was over and we signed as their witnesses, we gave them big ol congratulatory hugs and then sent them on their way to do whatever newly married people want to do.
Since we had a few more hours to kill before we needed to start heading back, we drove down the strip and ended up at the Luxor.
I've never been to Vegas so it was interesting to see the things that I saw. Being from the bible belt has allowed me and my 'baby eyes' to be sheltered from a few things. Well, thanks to Vegas, I may have just seen it all. As Phillip would say, "What IS illegal in Vegas?....Murder?" They don't call it Sin City for nothing, people.
The Luxor had an amazing Titanic exhibit going on, and since hubby is a huge understatement of the century Titanic fan, we had to see it. It was probably the best exhibit that I've ever been to. They created a life like walking deck, bunk room for the 3rd class, Grand Staircase like the one that you see in the movie, and they even had an actual piece of the side of Titanic ship hanging from the ceiling. It was so cool to actually imagine being there.
After all of that we discovered that we were starving. So hubby treated me to an extremely overpriced steak house. Yikes! There's also a reason why we eat at Chili's on our date nights. Next time, if there even IS a next time, we're hitting up the buffet.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Our first homeschool field trip
On Labor Day (useless holiday, if you ask me, but you didn't so I'll shut up!) my hubby woke up with the brilliant idea of taking the kids to an apple orchard. We've never done this in the years past, so I said, "Heck yeah, buddy!" and rounded myself and our 3 punks up as quickly as humanly possible. I also had every intention of making is a field trip for homeschool. Visions of essays and poster boards danced in my head.
We drove for about an hour and a half up to Oak Glen to the Riley Orchard #1.
It was so purdy and purfect. I kept waiting for a hobbit to appear. It was rainy, which is a rare occurance in SoCal, and so so so green. I was in heaven! Plus, hardly anyone was there. Awesome!
We checking in with ease, got a quick tutorial on how to pick the apples from the trees without killing anything, and then set off on our adventure.
My hubby was determined to find the tree with the biggest apples and then strip that said tree of all it's fruits.
Cheese balls!
My crew did a very good job of picking some prime apples, and I had every intention of using them apples in my first ever apple pie. Ooooh yeahhhh! I really couldn't contribute much to picking because I had a 7 month old strapped to my side. I did give it a whirl once, though.
My hair hates humidity.
I think that I did an awesome job considering that I was one handed for the most part.
We then ventured into the gift shop to see what else we could do besides ripping the trees bear.
No, son, you MAY NOT get a coon skin hat! Do we look like the Clampits?
The lady at the counter suggested that we press some apples, and make some cider. Killer, brahhh!
My kids did such a fantastic job pressing the heck out of those apples. I was amazed by their strength and determination to squeeze, squeeze, and squeeeeezzzzeeee.
In the end, they made some pretty stinkin tasty cider.
After we wrapped things up at the Riley Orchard, we headed down the hill to have some lunch at a quaint, little seasonal restaurant.
The food was scrumptious, but their pie was kind of a bummer. I knew that I could do better. Muahahaha!
In the end, all that my daughter really wanted out of this day was a caramel apple. Thank goodness that they were EVERYWHERE!
The day was perfect, and my pie is cooking in the oven. We will definitely go back there if not this year, then the next.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Life At Home Without Money
Getting to stay at home with all three of my punk-a-roos is such a blessing. I can't help but think back to the days when our first kid was an infant. I worked full time for an insurance company during the day, and my husband would stay with our son while I worked. When I would get home, I'd give my hubby a quick kiss, and then he'd head off to work at night. We never saw each other because we were just trying to make ends meet. I had no choice but to work.
Then a few years later God blessed my hubby with a stable job, and our first daughter was born. We were blessed enough for me to be able to stay at home with her and my son. We lived in a tiny 2 bedroom apartment that was built back in the 50's in a sketchy neighborhood. Ahhh the memories!
I'm sure that things would/could be much more stable financially if I worked. However, since I don't have a career, I've never landed a job that paid enough to be worth being away from my kids all the time. My hubby and I feel that it is more important for me to be at home and holding down the fort, than for me to work. If the hubs came home and announced that I needed to get a job, then I would head out that very second and start looking. I actually love working. I love the adult interaction and feeling like I am contributing financially to our wellbeing. But right now, in this juncture in our lives, I get to stay with my babies. Such a blessing!
95% of the time we are living pay check to pay check. Yes, this sucks! Yes, we have debt! No, we don't have any savings what so ever! My husband works so hard constantly. He's always waking up early and coming home super late. It's a shame that things aren't better for us in the monitory sense, so that he wouldn't have to work so hard. Yet, when I wake up to my kids in the morning, and I get to spend all day with their smily faces, the financial stresses of life fade away. My husband loves the comfort of knowing that I am taking care "the home". And I love it because he openly appreciates it.
Every single time that I pray, I thank God for making it possible for me to be a stay at home Mom. We make sacrifices all the time and we don't get to enjoy the finer things in life like vacations or cool toys. But, hey, in the end all of that stuff doesn't matter. We try really hard to make the most fun out of every thing that we do as a family.
What does matter is that I get to watch my kids grow. I get to have a huge influence in their lives in every aspect. I get to see their funny moments, and their sad moments. I also get to see moments like this:
Now isn't that worth it? If she was stuck with a babysitter all day long while I worked, then I would probably not even know about her new hilarious trick. I would get to see her in the morning, and then I'd get to put her to bed at night 5 days a week. I want to be there for all the day to day in-between stuff. My children are my gifts from God himself, and I intend on spending as much time with these gifts as possible, while I can.
Please do not be offended if you are not a stay at home Mom. This was not intended to make anyone feel bad at all. This is just what has happened in my life. This is simple me, being thankful that I am able to be with my kids. I know tons of women who have kids AND work out of the home. My hat is off to these women because I know first hand the aching heart of wanting to be with my kids while I worked.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
They Grow Up So Fast :-(
The blessings and curses of being a Mother is seeing your kids grow up. I am so proud of my little munchkins because it seems like they are taking on more responsibility every week. However, seeing them getting older kind of breaks my heart a little because I want them around forever. I don't want them to move away. I want them to stay in my house....FOREVER. That's not realistic, and I know that, but come on! Can't a Mother dream?
My #1...my son...has taken to the role of being the big brother like nothing that I've ever seen before. He is always willing to go and check on his sisters and help them out with whatever they need. He's constantly looking over my #2's shoulder, making sure that she is doing things the right way. It drives her bonkers too. She says that she likes to do things herself, but she is so quick to run to him for help. I also can bare witness to him taking care of his youngest sister. He can't stand to see her cry, and when she fusses after she wakes up from her naps, he is ALWAYS the first one in her room. She reaches out to him, and he picks her up right on out of her crib. He even feeds her for me on occasion (like when I'm driving and she's starving). I love it! I can literally see him becoming a man....a good man. He's only 9 for pete's sake!
My #2 is growing up waaay too fast. She has already well developed crushes on Justin Beiber. She probably has crushes on some of those Disney Chanel kids who, in real life, are still milking it for all that it's worth even though they are in college already. This makes me nervous, but to be honest I'm not surprised. I had "boyfriends" when I was in kindergarten. At least I think that I did. Ehh! She wants to help me all the time, which is great, but most of the time her helping just translates into being in my way. I have given her a little chore which she hasn't started complaining about yet.
Scrub Scrub Scrub, little one!
She loves to play with my hair and put on makeup. Oh my goodness! It's hard for me to breath when I think about her being a teenager. She might be a little high maintenance. Oy!
The thing that I do love the most about them getting older is how inquisitive they are. They are ALWAYS asking questions about God, Jesus, yes even death because they are interested in Heaven. They are always talking about other people and what they are going through. I love hearing them speak what's on their hearts. When they are able to set aside themselves and focus on others, I can see that they truly do have giving hearts. This makes me so happy and proud. I know that when they get older and they harness their giving spirits, then God is going to bless them abundantly. I can't wait!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
First week of home school
Welp, our first week of home school has come and gone.
Yes, we only have school 4 days a week. Why, you ask? It is because normally Friday is my hubby's day off, and we like to do family stuff on that day. If we have school, then we have to put off family fun until we're done. This is another reason why we are annoyed with the traditional school hooplah. We wanna do what we wanna do, darn it!
Enough of that! I want to share how well our first week went. Albeit, we did not have our curriculum to work with. It hasn't arrived just yet, so I had to take it upon myself to find free curriculum and worksheets on the internet and use those instead. My hubby told me last night that he thinks that I am awesome because I am doing this. That alone give me motivation to push onward with home school.
The most difficult part this week was trying to balance teaching different grades. This week was just a review of what they've previously learned, but finding that balance so that they could focus was a tad hard. I had to set my daughter up with independent work so that I could work with my son on the harder things. Then I had to do the same thing for my daughter. Sometimes my son would take longer to finish his work and we had to wait to move on to the next phase of learning. It was a little frustrating, but that IS one of the things that we love about homeschooling. My son can pace himself if he needs to without getting frustrated by the need to "hurry up". My daughter loved it! She would wake up every morning begging to get started. Love it!!!
Then there was the struggle of home school rules.
I have only 3 rules: Listen to Mom, Don't fight or argue, and above all else, Don't cry!!!
I set up a star system. They both have 3 stars up on the board. I will take one away if they break the rules. They can earn their stars back if they are loving and encouraging.
I also have a goody jar and if they are able to keep all of their stars on the board then they will get a goody at the end of the day. If they are able to keep all of their stars on the board for an entire month, then they get to have a very special "Daddy Date" with their...Daddy. My hubby quite likes being the ultimate prize. So far, they've messed up enough to loose their Daddy Date prize :-( They were able to keep their stars up there for a few days and get something from the goody jar.
What's funny is that the moment that they argue/fight, cry, or don't listen, I'll take a star down and then my son/daughter will immediately compliment each other in an effort to gain a star back.
Ahhh, I love my kids!
I am really getting a lot out of teaching them. I honestly thought that I would feel more frustration than fulfillment. It's been the opposite which is awesome. I love spending time with them and being able to witness their educational growth. I gotta say, it makes me feel kind of like Super Mom.
Here's a picture of what our classroom looks like:
Can you guess which State we are learning about this week? If you get it right, then you'll get something special out of the goody jar :-)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Why I Chose To Home School
Lately, when I've told people that I've chosen to home school I've been given the following responses, "Really? That's awesome! I wish that I could do that." and "Really? Why would you want to do that?"
So, I thought that I'd take this post and explain a little bit why I/we have chosen to home school.
The #1 reason why is for my son.
He is going into the 4th grade, and for the past 3 years I've had nothing but trouble from his teachers. They always seemed to have issues with him. Whether it be he doesn't sit still, he's too imaginative, he's not learning fast enough, he's too emotional, blah blah blah.
One thing that his teachers all had in common was their unwillingness to help my son. They all said that they wanted to help, but when approached with the idea of an IEP, his last teacher snubbed her nose at the idea.
The bottom line is that my son is always in his own head. He's always thinking about things and he has a hard time focusing on subjects that are not fun or interesting to him. Which only causes frustration for his teachers when they are trying to manage a classroom full of 25 + kids.
To quote Uncle Buck: "I don't think I want to know a six-year-old who isn't a dreamer, or a sillyheart. And I sure don't want to know one who takes their student career seriously. I don't have a college degree. I don't even have a job. But I know a good kid when I see one. Because they're ALL good kids, until dried-out, brain-dead skags like you drag them down and convince them they're no good."
My daughter on the other hand is another story. She's only been through Kindergarten and hasn't really encountered learning difficulties yet. The only negative thing that her teacher had to say was that she talks too much. She's a girl! Get over it! She might struggle with some things, and she might not. Regardless, she can learn at her own pace and hopefully excel in learning at home.
Reason #2 is because my hubby and I like the flexibility of home school. We like that our kids can learn at their own pace without having to meet "industry standards". We also like that we can move around, if needs be, without having to make our kids change schools. The hubs and I have moved so much for work and such, and we never know what is coming next in life. We pray all the time that God will lead us to where ever He wants us to go. We are willing to move to another country if He sees fit. Homeschooling gives us a little bit of that freedom.
Another added bonus is that now we can go on vacation whenever we see fit. Since my hubby works for our church he almost always has to work on major holidays, and then we have to cram a short family holiday in before the kids go back to school. Not any more! Now we can go and stay for as long as we want without having to worry about making it home in time for school to resume.
Reason #3 is honestly for religious and personal reasons. We, by no means, want to shelter our children or preserve their innocence forever. Yet we do think that they should learn about certain things that are in this world from us......not the school system or other loud mouthed kids. It's the old "garbage in, garbage out" kind of thing. Without proper understanding of certain things in this world my kids can get the wrong ideas. You can assume what you want by the former statement, but it is what it is. It is our jobs as parents to guide our children to the Lord and the path that He has set for them. To instill compassion and love for other people and to see God's beauty in this world. Homeschooling gives us another avenue to do that. We can integrate Bible verses and Bible stories into their every day learning. This way when sin comes a knocking, they can hopefully be a little bit more prepared to understand what is going on and to battle it.
I hope that this helps those who are questioning why we are doing this. We are very excited to get started. I plan on blogging about this new life adventure as much as I can. My hope is that other Moms out there will be encouraged through my home schooling adventures. It's not as hard as you think. I know that a few years back when I first thought about doing it, I was afraid and intimidated because I am not a patient person. Bottom line, children's education is more important than my patience issue.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Is a month too long to be on vacation?
To be honest, I don't really know the answer to that question. I think that after 2 weeks, the "vacation" aspect turns into just being away for a stinkin long time.
This does not mean that I didn't have a great time in Texas! There were so many things that I loved about my trip. However, being away from my hubby that long was pretty unbearable. We missed each other so much and he missed so many Texas "firsts" that I wanted to enjoy with him.
Here are a few things that I did without my husband:
Roller Derby y'all
Swimming at the green of Barton Springs
Swimming at Krause Springs
Taking a ride on the Zilker Zepher
Picnic with our 2 oldest kids at Zilker Park
Getting lost in Austin....thrice
Hanging out with my CA friends.....thrice, again
Amy's Ice Cream
Torchy's Tacos....yuuuummmmmyyyy
Hey, Cupcake!...yuuuuummmmyyyyy
Vacation Bible School with a small church so much better than the mega church one that my kids attended in June because they actually got to know the people who were teaching them
A day trip to Dallas
Getting pulled over by a Bee Cave cop for going 13 miles over the speed limit at 1:30 in the morning.....COME ON!
Having the air conditioning go out in my parents house for half the time that we were there
Baby sitting 4 kids plus my own the kids loved it, but I didn't. I sure could have used his help with this one
Our daughter's 6th birthday
Eating camp food for almost 2 meals a day for 29 days
Seeing our baby roll over back to tummy for the first time
We (my kids and I) had so much fun on our "vacation". I tried to shove as much as possible into our visit as I possibly could. There are a few more things that I wanted to do, but couldn't. I will just have to wait till Christmastime is that correct grammar?.
I'll post a bunch of pictures on my next blog post, but I just need to rest now. Yes, I'm still suffering from the the phenomenon known as "the time change woozies".
Monday, June 27, 2011
I'm kind of in love a little bit with this new iPhone app. called Hipstamatic. It allows me to take analog, vintage-esk photos with my digital camera. I haven't gotten the hang of it just yet, but here are a few pictures that I've taken with it.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
The things that I like about Summer....
Summer has officially hit Southern California. Blek! Yuck! Barf!
I hate the heat with a capital H A T E!
My hubby and I are more Fall/Winter people. We love the cool weather with a capital L O V E.
There are a few things that I DO like about Summer though.
I like spending tons of time with all 3 of my punk-a-roos.
I like the cool evenings
I like air conditioning
I like coming up with new things to keep my kids occupied
I like July 4th one of my most favorite holidays
And my most favorite thing is going on vacation to Texas
I like the cool evenings
I like air conditioning
I like coming up with new things to keep my kids occupied
I like July 4th one of my most favorite holidays
And my most favorite thing is going on vacation to Texas
Granted, the heat in Texas is just a intense and annoying, but my folks are there.
This year the kids and I are flying (thank you, Dad) to Austin, and we are going to stay there for the ENTIRE month of July.
I am hoping to cram in a few of my favorite things to do in Texas during that month.
I like eating BBQ from Rudy's
I like eating steak at Texas Land and Cattle
I like cruising on Lake Travis
I like fishing
I like shopping with my Mom
I like TXRD at least I think that I would like it.
I've never seen roller derby and I've always wanted to. This just might be the year!
I like exploring downtown Austin
I like staying up late around a bonfire
I like visiting with my brothers and their significant others
I like seeing all of my nieces and nephews
I like visiting the small church that my brother goes to
I like Blue Bell Ice Cream
I like sitting down with my Memaw and listen to her tell the same stories over and over again
I like seeing my best friend Dawn Marie who just so happens to be visiting Texas at the same time that I am. Horray!
I also like catching up with some of my ol California buddies that moved to Austin almost a year ago....not fair
That's all that I can think of right now. If you can think of some other things that you know that I like about Summer then please add them in to the Comment section.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
I blame it on Father's Day...
Happy Father's Day to all the Daddy's out there.
In honor of mi padre, here's a montage of pictures for you to feast your eyes upon:
Dad and my kids at Tom's Farms
He wears hats like this when he mows the lawn.
Dad showing the boys how it's done.
Look at the intensity in my boy's face.
Seriously! What is he doing?
That picture might still be on his desk at work.
Dad and me chilling at the park.
Dad and Mom at the beach
Dad's "What's up!" face.....
Don't make fun! I was pregnant with my third right here.
No words!
Dad holding my baby.
Dad at Disneyland with my kiddos
Dad playing Santa for his younger Grandkids.
Dad and his punks. Don't mind my massively pregnant belly!
Again....no words! Don't mind my massively pregnant (ahem!) chest. Sheesh!
My brother, Phillip, and our Dad.
Dad bracing himself on Space Mountain.
My most favorite picture of all time.
Soaking up the cuddles.
Yes, my Dad was even there when my eldest daughter took her first steps almost 6 years ago.
There was a brief time when I was a teenager that I thought that my Dad didn't know how to handle having a daughter. Now I know, that it wasn't having a daughter that was the problem, it was the fact that I was a teenager. Lets face it....none of us are equipped to handle it when our kids turn into teenagers. My Dad has ALWAYS been there for me. Even after me being married for 11 years and no longer living under his roof, he still gives and gives and gives to me and my little family. He is a so generous and loving. He has taught me so much about what it means to be a parent. What he has done as a Dad has not gone un-noticed.
I love you Dad! Thank you for working so hard, for never turning away from me when I was acting like an idiot, for loving me, for guiding me to the Lord, for loving my husband and our kids, and for always being there for us. You truly are THE GREATEST!!!!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Adventures in Dental Land
I've got an owie!
My adventures into "dental land" have been a long time coming.
Over 9 years ago I broke my molar on a peppercorn when I bit into a hamburger from Johnny Rockets in Florida (worst state in the union, if you ask me).
I didn't have dental insurance then, so I never went to get it looked at.
Before this incident I never really had to worry about my dental work because my wonderful parents always took care of it. When I was under their roof, I got check ups and cleanings every 6 months like a good girl should. Funny enough, the week that I was be married, I went in for another routine cleaning and the dentist announced proudly that all 4 of my wisdom teeth were growing in. What?! When I told my Mom she said, and I quote, "Hahaha! Sorry, you're on your own now!"
Those darn wisdom teeth still remain in my mouth to this day.
Thanks, Mom!
Lets get back on track here!
3 years ago, my chipped molar finally started to cause me pain. I went to have it looked at and was told that I needed a root canal on my molar AND the tooth in front of it.....immediately. I drove like a bat out of hell to the oral surgeon, and charged those darn root canals onto my credit card. Dave Ramsey would not have been proud of me. A week or so later I returned to the dentist to get a crown put on them. The dentist told me the price of the crowns and I almost barfed.
I can not believe how much dental work costs. I never knew that Dentists can set their own prices and some of them try to rip you off.
I can only hope that the dentist that I saw for years and years when I was a kid did not try and rip off my parents too. Believe you me, they had to pay for way too many cavity fillings and crowns for my ol mouth. What can I say? I was obsessed with bubble gum. Mmmmmm bubble gum!
So, of course, I didn't get those expensive crowns put on because I couldn't afford it. I went on my marry way and decided to wait it out.
Fast forward to last month.
My molar has been chipping away and falling apart for a few months now. Last month a HUGE chunk of it came off, and I was left with a stabby little toothy in my mouth. I kept stabbing my tongue and cheek whenever I would eat, or breathe for that matter.
Luckily, we have insurance this time. Horray!
I went to the dentist who was assigned to us by my husband's employer. They wanted to charge me a barfarific amount too. Thanks to a few friends of mine, I got a second and a third opinion. Third time was a charm. They charged me literally half of what the first dentist was going to charge me.
Last week, I went to the dentist of my choice (the cheaper dude of course) to have my dental work done.
They numbed me up and I patiently sat there thinking about how grateful that I was that this junk was finally getting taken care of.
The Dentist came in and proceeded to do what he does. I knew that he was going to extract two of my teeth and then put in a bridge. My mouth was completely numb, so I had no idea what he was doing in there. He was drilling and drilling and drilling. When he was done with that, I said, "Okay! So we're done? You got the teeth out, right?" Wrong! He said that he was just prepping my front and back tooth for the bridge and that he was now going to extract the two bad teeth. Let me tell you something, extractions are NOT fun. He was pulling and pulling aaaannnd pulling. I could hear him grunting and he kept having to stop and drill at my teeth some more. He also kept grabbing paper towels to wipe the sweat off of his brow. Seriously? Then he pulled and pulled some more. I was so tense that I almost had an anxiety attack.
Normally, I am not a wuss when it comes to dental work. I was laughing with the oral surgeon during my root canal for pete's sake! I don't know why this time was so intense, but it was. I never want to have teeth pulled again. Ever! Ever! Ever! I've learned my lesson on this one, that's for sure.
I went back today to have the dentist fit me for a permanent bridge. He, without numbing me, pulled off my temporary bridge and then proceeded to scrap at my very sore gums. After the third time that I yelled, "Ouch!" I said, "You've got to be kidding me! Stop it!" Thankfully, he was done with scrapping my gums and then took an impression of the hole in my mouth for my bridge.
It's over with for now.
My hubby said that I need to demand to be numbed when I go in to have the permanent bridge put on. I'm also thinking about requesting the gas. The last time that I had "the gas" I hallucinated rainbows dancing around the dental hygienist's head. I might have laughed and pointed at them at some point, but that's between me and the dental hygienist.
This might have been what I looked like last week
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