Friday, March 17, 2017

Oh my WORD!!!!

So let's state the obvious...I'm LAME.  It's not an opinion, it's a fact.  I have not blogged in years and I've certainly had a lot to blog about. I mean the last time that I blogged it was about us moving back to CA from Texas.  Which seems so long ago.  

Here's a quick life update: 
I had a 4th baby, her name is Iris
.....and she's the cutest.  
After living in California for 4 more years, we upped and moved to Arkansas of all places. It does look like this
 and this.

 Oh and I stopped homeschooling last year for reasons that I will reveal later on.

Phew!  So much more has happened and I'm sure that it will all come out in my future posts.  
Lets be honest, who reads blogs any more?  Everyone either has their own YouTube channel or does Facebook LiveStream.  Maybe I should look into that, but I don't think that I'm funny enough for that kind of show. 
This blog will now transform into something resembling a diary for myself.  I'll post encouragements, and sometimes I'll rant on here in hopes that I don't offend anyone.  I love you all and here's to hoping that I don't forget about my little blog again.  

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Why? and the Hope That Follows

I  can't believe how long it's been since I last posted.  Should I apologize like I did in my last post about being a flake?  Wouldn't that be a tad redundant?  I think so.
I can't apologize for the literal adventure that God has taken my family on in only 1 years time that has made me completely forget that I have a blog.
We've been across the country TWICE in less than a year.  Sheesh!

In a nut shell:  We moved from California to Texas, lived with my parents for 10 months, just as we were about to rent a house in Austin, Joe's last (and wonderful) employers called him up and asked him to please come back.  So we prayed about it, and willingly moved back to California lickity split.  Trusting in God all along the way.
We are now living in the same city as before, Joe is working at our same ol church, and we are even living in the same neighborhood as last time.

So much has happened for us, and (I'm sure like many people who know us) I can't help but wonder...What was God thinking?  What is He up to with moving us all over the place?  Why did He move me back to my home state that I've been praying to move back to for 5 years, surround me with people that love me unconditionally, and then move me away from them again?  That's what I want to know!  I know for a fact that He has a plan and I just have to trust in that.  Yet, deep deep down inside I am confused and a little heartbroken.

Am I happy to be back?  Yes.  I'm super duper excited to do God's will and see my husband make a difference at our church.  He has such a passion for what God has gifted him with and we can't wait to see how God is going to use that for Crossroads.
Do I miss Austin?  Without a friggin doubt, YES.  I can't talk to my Mom on the phone without tearing up. I am a country girl through and through.  I literally feel closer to God when I am surrounded by oak trees.  I hear the Holy Spirit as I walk through open pastures.  It relaxes me and I feel happy there.  I love every single thing about Texas.  The people, the weather, the smells, the scenery, the small's endless.  I love it!  It's me!  I 'fit' there in a way that I never have in California.

To be 100% honest, I have not felt this kind of heartache in a long long looong time.  I moved to CA 8 years ago with my husband, but I didn't miss home as much as I do now.  For some reason, it's different this time.  You see, about 5 years ago I started praying that we would move back to Texas.  I prayed this prayer every single time that I prayed.  When times got rough, I prayed it even more.  Then last August, we had the opportunity to move back there.  I was so happy!  You wouldn't believe it.  FINALLY, God was answering MY prayers.  I had sat back and watched God answer prayers for my husband, my friends, and my family members, but what I most desired was never answered...until now!
Completely starting over, we moved soon after in October during the most perfect time of year.  Granted, something were not perfect or should I say 'ideal' because my folks are amazing.  We lived with my parents the whole time in an effort to get jobs and save up enough money for our own place.  This took months and months.  The cool thing about it, and what validated our move back, was that God performed a miracle. In January He blessed Joe with an amazing job.  It was so cool to see how God orchestrated events surrounding my hubby landing this particular job.  We were blown away by he people that God used and those that He put in Joe's path!  Joe's job gave us an opportunity to save like we've never saved before.  We were a month ahead in our finances, and by June we had all the money that we needed to rent our own place.  At this point we were so ready to get out of my parent's hair, if you know what I mean, and set down roots in Austin.  Life was good!!!!  I was happy!!!!  My prayers had been answered.

Then, in mid June, Joe got a call out of the blue.  His old employer felt lead my God to ask Joe to come back and work for them.  Even though I was super duper satisfied living in Austin, I put up zero fight when God called us back to California.  Why?  Because that's what I do.  That's what WE do as Christians.  When God calls us, we go!  No questions asked....right?
Now, after being back in California again for 2 months, I've had plenty of time to reflect on what has actually happened to me and my family.
When I am alone with my thought (which is a rarity with 3 kids) my mind wonders back to Texas.  I cry often, mostly to God.  I ask Him why it hurts so badly this time.  Out of all the times that I had done what He had asked me to do, why is this time different in my heart?  I don't want to be sad.  I don't want to be bitter.  I want to be joyous about all of this.  God has blessed me so much.  Am I just being a spoiled little brat because this time I didn't get my way?  Why did God answer my prayer about moving back to Texas and then 10 months later, rip it out from underneath me?
Don't get me wrong, I know that God is not mean.  I understand that in the greater scheme of things, His will for all of this will be revealed to me.  But right now....I'm not seeing it.  My heart hurts daily.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, "He has made everything beautiful in it's time.  He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."  Isaiah 55:8-9 says, "My thoughts, 'says the Lord', are not like yours, and my ways are different from yours.  As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways and thoughts above yours."
Wow!  Just wow!
I can't fathom what God is doing because His plans for me are so great that it's impossible for me to see it.  I can ask why all day long, but the greatest part about all of this is what is to come.  I DO have hope in God's promises.  Just like Jeremiah 29:11 says, "I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity an not disaster (even when it feels like it in that moment), plans to bring about the future you hope for."  So during all of my pain and unanswered questions, I have hope and I have faith.  I've seen God's love constantly in my life.  This is why I love Him.  This is why I am a believer, because I have see God's love for me and I can not deny it.  I do not doubt that His ways are greater than my own.  I don't want to do life unless it's on God's terms.  I just have to realize that sometimes it's going to be hard for me, but that doesn't mean that I'm not going to go forth.
If I had resisted...if I had not moved back to California, I know that something would be missing in my life.  God's will would be missing.  I have put aside my own desires to follow God's will and I know that that will lead me to unending joy...where ever I'm at.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I know...I know

It's been over 2 months since I last posted.  I'm a HUGE flake, and I admit it wholeheartedly.  I've been so busy settling into life here in Spicewood, that I've forgotten about my bloggity blog.  I guess the only thing that I can do is catch up on Christmas.  I'll wait on that for a sec and let you know about our journey, or should I say, God's journey for us.

We moved here because we felt lead by God to do so.  This is of course something that I have been praying on for years, but I never wanted to move back home unless God wanted me too.  Finally, He said 'Go!', so I did dog gone it!
We've been living here for a few months with zero income.  Luckily, we had enough saved up to last us for a bit, but not long.  Joe was searching franticly for work, but things just never seemed to work out.  He applied for chump jobs and was shocked that they didn't even call him in for an interview.  Little did we know, God didn't want him to get those jobs.  He had something much better in store for my husband.  Just as the new year came around, my hubby was offered a job for Wave (  A job that will keep him very very busy.  2012 is starting off really well for us.  I'm sure that it will hold a ton of other blessings for my little family.  I am so excited about God's will for our lives.

Okay, Christmas....what about it?  Oh yeah...duh!  It was fun and stressful all at the same time.  We were all very very sick during the holidays.  No fun at all!  My whole little brood was cooped up in our bedroom spreading our sickness back and forth to one another.  It was terrible.
Sorry!  Back on track....

I love Christmas because it brings everyone together, but I hate it because it costs me so much money.  It's does!  Never the less, Christmas went off without a hitch.  Here's a few pics to show that it DID happen, and we were all happy about it.

Here we are seeing some Christmas lights.  We kept having to reschedule going out and looking at lights because we were so sick.  Poor Bella, had a fever in this picture.  Of course I didn't know that until we got home later that night.  Bad Mom award goes too.....!

Here's Izzy on Christmas morning showing off his favorite present.  

Bella showing her favorite present.  I can't believe that my Mom got her that.  Thank the Lord for Grandparents!

Lily enjoyed the paper and boxes on Christmas morning.  I knew that she would which is why I didn't get her any presents.  I know....Bad Mom award! I mean come on!  What kid remembers the presents that they received on their very first Christmas?  NONE OF THEM!  
I digress!

Here's my hubby post freakout over his new Toms.

Bella and I had the job of icing my Mom's annual Christmas cookies.  It was fun, and they were yummy.  I think that I ate 50% of them.  

This was at the last Christmas party of the year at my bro's house.  I think that Lily and Joe were the only ones sick in this picture.  

If you're keeping tabs, Joe is still sick, and the rest of us are all better.  We don't know what is wrong with Joe.  The doctor didn't even know.  Whatever it is, it's affecting his throat and hearing.  Please pray for him!  He needs major healing right now.  Especially now that he's working.  God has blessed Joe with amazing hearing.  He hears things that most people don't.  His job requires his ears to be at their peak performance.  Please pray!!

Another great thing about this past month is that I got to see my Mom's side of the family for the first time in what feels like forever.  My parents and I (yes, only me :-) ) went to Burkburnett, TX to visit my Memaw Bobbie.  My Memaw is getting up there in her years and she can't take care of her farm or her farm equipment like she used to.  So my Uncles set up an auction at her farm, and my Dad went to help.  My Mom and I had the job of keeping my Memaw occupied during the sale.  It would have been too much for her to see all of her life's work being auctioned off to the highest bidder. It was tough but necessary. Us ladies shopped, shopped, and shopped some more.  It was fun!  I was gone for 4 days away from my family, and when I came home my hubby greeted me with a, "Here's the baby!  I'm sick and I'm going to bed."  Poor guy!  He's been sick ever since.      

I am truly enjoying being back in Austin.  Now It get to see plenty of this:

My Mom taking naps with my baby.

My kids playing in the lake with our dog.

and us exploring Austin together.

Since we live so far outside of town, going into Austin is like an epic event.  It is totally worth it though.  I can't wait to explore all that Austin has to offer.  If you have any suggestions, then please share them with me.  I'm always open to going to new places to eat, museums, and anything that is family oriented.  

Stay tuned!  My next blog will be on.......................

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Long Story Short

Whelp, we are back in TEXAS!  Long story short, our prayers have been answered.
 My hubby and I lived in southern California for 7 1/2 years and we've been praying about getting back to Austin for about 5 of those 7 1/2 years.
In a nut shell, my hubby and I always want to be in God's will.  That is our most earnest prayer.  These past few months has been crazy for us.  We've known for over a year now that out house would have to go up for sale.  The price of living there was just too much for us most of the time, and we had no choice but to either starve or get out from underneath our big ol mortgage.  Guess what we chose?  We opened escrow on our house in August.  At that moment we started praying about where we would go next.  Excited to see what God had in store for us.  After much prayer and council, we decided that now was as good of a time as any for moving back to Austin and starting over.  We prayed some more asking God for specifics, and He answered our prayers within  days of our request.  I've never been so certain.  We aren't getting any younger, which means that we needed to do this now.  We never pictured growing old in California.  Austin is our home!  I want to be an old lady here, riding around downtown on my scooter, complaining about the humidity.  My kids are happier here.  They are surrounded by family that utterly adores them.  Although, they do miss their cousins in California.  Which means that we will have to visit at least once a year if it's possible.
Living in CA has had it's wonderful moments, so it hasn't been all bad.  We've made some great friends and God has grown us so much in our maturity and in our marriage.  Having access to Disneyland whenever we felt like it will never be forgotten.  Season passes, baby!  Both of my girls were born in CA, so it will always hold a special place in my heart simply because of that. I will miss California.  I will miss having only a 60 minute commute to the mountains or the beach.  I will miss my sister-in-laws.  I will miss the dear friends that I was getting to know in the months right before we moved.  That is my only regret.  Not growing closer to the sweet friends that I had made while living there.  I've met some amazing women, but I neglected to nurture those relationships because I was so consumed with my family.  Was it too little, too late?  I'll never know.

Since being here, we've started back with homeschool and we've begun to "church shop".  Finding the right church is always interesting,  because they are all so different.  My hubby has also been tirelessly searching for work.  Austin has a huge music scene, so you'd think that finding a sound engineering job here would be easy.  Wrong!  It's all about who you know.  So he's trying to get his foot in the door.  God has something great in store for him, I just know it.  Why else would He have brought us back here?  His will is so perfect.  I can't wait to see what's going to happen.  I pray for perserverance for my husband.  For strength when things get hard and when Satan is trying to trip him up.  I love Joe so much and he deserves to be happy, and appreciated for the gifts that God has blessed him with.

I am so happy to be back here.  "Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayers!  Thank you for teaching me patience on Your perfecting timing.  I've been praying for years, and You finally answered me.  Thank you!"

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pitty Goo

Here's my baby, Lily.

She's my pretty girl, or as I like to say "my widdle pitty goo"

She looks like her Daddy

She does NOT look like me

I am a little sad about that.

However, despite the fact that she looks like her Daddy and NOT me, she is so stinkin pretty.  
I can't say that she gets it from me because she DOES NOT look like me.  
Does this mean that my hubby would have made a very pretty girl?  Hmmmmm

Don't tell him that I said that!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Weddings + Las Vegas = A Pretty Cool Time

My hubby has been working so hard lately.  His company does sound consulting and instillations for churches around southern California, and he works part time at our church at the Sound and Lighting Pastor.  On Friday, he finally wrapped up a looong instillation and was very much looking forward to relaxing.  However, when Saturday came a knocking, he drug himself out of bed to drive me to Las Vegas for a very special occasion.  
My big brother was getting married!!!

Phillip is my second oldest brother yes, I am the youngest of 3 AND the only girl, and I love him so so much.  He's been through a lot in his 35 years of existence, and we...his family...want him to be nothing but happy.  Well, he finally met a winner.  That winner's name is Annie.  She's beautiful, calm, cool, collected, goes with the flow, and is not high maintenance.  Most importantly she thinks the world of my big brother.  
What I love most about my brother is that he has always had the best sense of humor.  Sometimes it's a little "in the gutter", but hey, who doesn't have their moments of "in the gutter"?  He and Annie's sense of humor is what steared them to get married at The Elvis Chapel, by...wait for it...ELVIS!  

When my hubby and I arrived we went in and sat down in this teeny tiny little white room.  It was a little dated, and had your typical white wedding slatted arch decorated with fake vines and flowers.  Then Elvis appeared.  He was so nice and came over to shake our hands.  My hubby and I could not stop laughing.  It wasn't a making-fun laugh, it was a so-awesome-that-it-makes-you-giggle laugh.  
 Phillip and Annie came in, gave us hugs, and then Phillip took his place at the alter.  Elvis, then proceeded to walk Annie down the aisle while singing an Elvis tune that I've never heard before.  Sorry to all of those Elvis fans out there, but I'm not hip to the Elvis tunes.  

Annie had the biggest grin on her face and it made her glow.  Phillip might have been crying, but it was hard to tell because he too was glowing with excitement.  I, however, was crying despite all the hip shaking that the Elvis officiator was doing.  The ceremony was so sweet and wonderful.  I laughed, cried, and even danced.  That's right, since hubby and I were in the wedding party,  Elvis asked us to dance after they said 'I DO!'.  It was so great.  I think that I may have looked more like Elaine from Seinfeld than Michail Baryshnikov.  I didn't care.  We were dancing for joy!  Woo hoo!

After the wedding was over and we signed as their witnesses, we gave them big ol congratulatory hugs and then sent them on their way to do whatever newly married people want to do.

Since we had a few more hours to kill before we needed to start heading back, we drove down the strip and ended up at the Luxor.  
I've never been to Vegas so it was interesting to see the things that I saw.  Being from the bible belt has allowed me and my 'baby eyes' to be sheltered from a few things.  Well, thanks to Vegas, I may have just seen it all.  As Phillip would say, "What IS illegal in Vegas?....Murder?" They don't call it Sin City for nothing, people.  
The Luxor had an amazing Titanic exhibit going on, and since hubby is a huge understatement of the century Titanic fan, we had to see it.  It was probably the best exhibit that I've ever been to.  They created a life like walking deck, bunk room for the 3rd class, Grand Staircase like the one that you see in the movie, and they even had an actual piece of the side of  Titanic ship hanging from the ceiling.  It was so cool to actually imagine being there.  
After all of that we discovered that we were starving.  So hubby treated me to an extremely overpriced steak house.  Yikes!  There's also a reason why we eat at Chili's on our date nights.   Next time, if there even IS a next time, we're hitting up the buffet.  

Friday, September 9, 2011

Our first homeschool field trip

On Labor Day (useless holiday, if you ask me, but you didn't so I'll shut up!) my hubby woke up with the brilliant idea of taking the kids to an apple orchard.  We've never done this in the years past, so I said, "Heck yeah, buddy!" and rounded myself and our 3 punks up as quickly as humanly possible.  I also had every intention of making is a field trip for homeschool.  Visions of essays and poster boards danced in my head.  

We drove for about an hour and a half up to Oak Glen to the Riley Orchard #1.  
It was so purdy and purfect.  I kept waiting for a hobbit to appear.   It was rainy, which is a rare occurance in SoCal, and so so so green.  I was in heaven!  Plus, hardly anyone was there.  Awesome!
We checking in with ease, got a quick tutorial on how to pick the apples from the trees without killing anything, and then set off on our adventure.  
My hubby was determined to find the tree with the biggest apples and then strip that said tree of all it's fruits.  
Cheese balls!
My crew did a very good job of picking some prime apples, and I had every intention of using them apples in my first ever apple pie.  Ooooh yeahhhh!  I really couldn't contribute much to picking because I had a 7 month old strapped to my side.  I did give it a whirl once, though.
My hair hates humidity.
I think that I did an awesome job considering that I was one handed for the most part.  

We then ventured into the gift shop to see what else we could do besides ripping the trees bear.  
No, son, you MAY NOT get a coon skin hat!  Do we look like the Clampits?

The lady  at the counter suggested that we press some apples, and make some cider.  Killer, brahhh!  

My kids did such a fantastic job pressing the heck out of those apples.  I was amazed by their strength and determination to squeeze, squeeze, and squeeeeezzzzeeee.  

In the end, they made some pretty stinkin tasty cider.  

After we wrapped things up at the Riley Orchard, we headed down the hill to have some lunch at a quaint, little seasonal restaurant.  

The food was scrumptious, but their pie was kind of a bummer.  I knew that I could do better.  Muahahaha!

 In the end, all that my daughter really wanted out of this day was a caramel apple.  Thank goodness that they were EVERYWHERE!

The day was perfect, and my pie is cooking in the oven.  We will definitely go back there if not this year, then the next.